Photography Mentoring One-on-One Sessions (Remote)

  • Portfolio Review 1:1 with Todd (Remote)

    We use this time to go over your portfolio in detail. Clients typically bring a small subset of 50-100 images and I’ll work with you to guide you on taking better images. We will work with composition, posing, lighting, and editing.

  • Travel Photography 1:1 Session (Remote)

    Learn everything about how to sensitively photograph cultures when traveling. Learn what gear to pack and unique approaches to the places you’re going.

  • 1:1 Instruction (in-person)

    We’ll work together in person, from camera settings, lighting, poses, creative angles, etc. There may be an opportunity to join a shoot.

  • Capturing better wildlife imagery | 1:1 with Todd (Remote)

  • Wedding photography mentoring | 1:1 with Todd (Remote)

    We will work together to better understand the flow of photographing a wedding. I have photographed over 1500 weddings over the years.